Monday, April 10, 2006


The Blogosphere is celebrating, as presumably are many Iraqis, quietly -- the major Iraqi blogs haven't weighed in yet, except at "Free Iraqi," which has changed its address to reflect the new perspective [now found at] and has maintained its motto, in place since December 24, 2004: "I was not living before the 9th of April and now I am, so let me speak!"

This is my favourite 2003 memory image from other posts of recent days (hat-tip: Winds of Change) because it's all about the future.

Michael Yon is back in Iraq ("speaking the truth to power!", as the saying goes!) and sends word of his new 'net initiative "Frontline Forum -- real soldiers with real stories"-- a forum for military people on the ground in the big sandbox, to tell first-hand about what they see and what they know the Mainstream/Drive-byMedia aren't interested in.

The April 9 entry, from Army Sergeant Tim Boggs (now on his second Iraq deployment) recounts his unit's relationship with a refugee family [refugees from an abusive marriage, not from war] made up of a mother and three children, who camped near, and eventually inside of, their base in sunny Umm Qasr -- 140 degrees and no shade. Sgt. Boggs ends with this observation:
My hope for Iraq lies in the next generation. Through the efforts of some amazing soldiers, I believe a seed has been planted that will one day bloom into a mass of young children raised on knowing the kindness and gentleness of American soldiers. When that time comes I believe we will finally enjoy the fruits of our labor in the Middle East.
If there are any parallels to be drawn between the Vietnam and Iraq wars (and there are a few-- only a few), Sgt. Boggs may have hit on the most important one. The American left, and their political confrères abroad, are still living Vietnam because it suits them to be immersed in American failure and self-loathing-- they live in the past, even as the Vietnamese people (the vast majority of whom were born after the war) live for the future. Knock yourselves out, Deaniacs and Kossacks-- you probably won't be able to get the Vietnamese to hate America as much as you do, and you're not likely to get most Iraqis to do so either. History will tell.

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