Dip your fevered mind and wearied limbs into the healing waters.
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Book on the Non-Forbidden Index
And Furthermore....
...and yet more.
Music of the Spheres
More Music, Different Sphere
Friday, October 10, 2008
I -CONNIE CHUNG Exposes Unrepentant Terrorists AYERS AND DOHRN for all the world to see (that includes you, Barack).
IN 1998.
II - OBAMA'S WEBSITE MAY DENY HIS TIES WITH VOTE-FRAUD EXPERTS ACORN, but here's a thousand words to the contrary
These and a whole host of other election news nuggets at Gateway Pundit, who, amazingly, does not yet seem exhausted by the whole damn thing.
Canada too is having an election, in less than a week. Thank God the campaign season is legally restricted to about a six-week period, or the continent might go into Chernobyl mode. Especially when you see what passes for a party leader up here. Take a gander at what life might be like should the Liberal Party form the next government.
CTV is an indepedent broadcaster (unlike the notorious government organ, CBC). It's hard to tell whether this exchange points out Monsieur Dion's fundamental stupidity and obtuseness, or his notorious inability to speak or understand English. Neither speaks well of how this dude ended up leading the party of [the loathsome but nevertheless clever] Pierre Trudeau.
And people south of the 49th think THEY've got problems!
UNPROVABLE BUT PLAUSIBLEUpdated (u-u-u-h-h...)
In an extended word and style analysis over at the respectable American Thinker, author Jack Cashill explores the likelihood that William Ayersghost-wrote some or all of Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father.
Why is this plausible? Because a man with a record of writing almost nothing at all, and none of it of note -- no articles in the Harvard Law Review of which he was editor, not a single publication during his years as a lawyer and lecturer in Constitutional Law -- was able to produce a polished literary memoir popped from the head of Zeus. It was a memoir that nevertheless garnered little attention or sales at its 1995 debut, which makes it just a nanoparticle peculiar that, in his own 1997 book, Ayers refers to the obscure Illinois State Senator as a "writer." Wherefore? Hm-m-m.
Cashill's case is by no means conclusive, but is based on the kind of textual analysis to which many a more prestigious writer's works (say, Shakespeare) are routinely subjected.
Cashill fails to mention what, to me, is the most powerful argument against Obama's sole authorship: to the best of my knowledge, Dreams From My Father does not contain a single paragraph which reads
U-u-u-u-h..... e-r-r-r-r-r......eu-u-u-uh.......Look. Let's be clear.....u-u-u-u-m....... Wait, no, no, no.......U-u-u-h-h-h.......
I rest my case.
Calypso Louis Farrakhan, raving racist and anti-Semite nutbar, is caught by the crane-shot as he preaches to his flock:
Hey, can they do a crane-shot in your place of worship? Wowsers.
I broke into the blogosphere in 2003, via a letter to andrew sullivan (made me a minor celebrity in my family for a week) Call it my bio: My grandfather came to the US from Greece around 1905, alone, age 10, sailing into New York Harbor and entering at Ellis Island, like the young Vito Corleone in The Godfather. Before settling down he spent a couple of his teen-age years "hobo-ing" around the country. He insisted to me that a hobo is not a bum. He looks for honest work to earn his food and a place to sleep - he is NOT looking for a hand-out... When you (Sullivan) used the word "hobo" to describe Saddam Hussein in his spider hole, I thought "Saddam should be so lucky as to be a hobo--he could wish for so much dignity." My grandfather finished third grade, and spent his life as a railroad mechanic. He raised four sons, three of them old enough for WWII. The four earned two M.A.'s and two Ph.D.'s, and produced 15 accomplished grandchildren. Among the many great-grandchildren are two Naval officers and a Marine Corps Captain...the legacy of a hobo. Saddam, master of the palaces and father of the lion-cubs, is just a bum.