A nifty compilation from MEMRI, via Powerline.
Make some popcorn and gather the kids around the crystal set for that old-timey Saturday Night hit, "Fibber McGee and the Blood Libel".
New Trends in Arabic Anti-semitism from Henrik Clausen on Vimeo.
Dip your fevered mind and wearied limbs into the healing waters.
New Trends in Arabic Anti-semitism from Henrik Clausen on Vimeo.
Kathy Shaidle, Five Feet of Fury
"Intelligent and thoughtful"
Julian Lopèz-Morillas, Bay area actor, director, 'Speare chucker, and old pal (still thinks I'm bananas)
"She made other comments, but they were too risqué."
David Warren, Canajun wordmonger and doge, davidwarrenonline