The origin of this little Greeky proverb is mysterious and misattributed -- we can at least give this English version to Longfellow. But there's something incredibly comic about the fact that one Latinized rendering is 'Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius.' That looks vaguely like bad Latin to me [I await correction] but what better title for an article on the overreaching arrogance of the sitting President than a line that contains the words 'Prius' and 'dementat'.
And indeed, up until the past couple of weeks one might have mistaken President O's flushing of untold millions down the plug-hole of so-called 'green energy' (you remember green energy and green jobs -- the grand scheme that has brought Spain to 24% unemployment) to be his craziest of all extreme crazy programs perpetrated under his administration.
But now, after a full-on assault against Freedom of Religion under the First Amendment to the Constitution, Mr. Obama has earned this well-written proclamation nailed to the door of today's American Thinker, by J.R. Dunn.
Money quotes:
...he has struck what was surely intended to be a lethal blow against the oldest organization on earth -- an organization with something on the order of a billion members, with a cadre of hundreds of thousands of highly trained and dedicated personnel, and a history of overcoming political threats that make Obama look like a kindergartner.
...a man of vast though superficial sophistication and little insight who has punched all the tickets available to him in his epoch and culture and truly believes there is nothing else. And now this man, afraid of revealing his own college transcripts, thinks he can take on the Church of Peter, founded a millennium before the appearance of any nation now existing on this earth...
History has its own rules that are not our rules. One of them appears to state that a man who overreaches himself will fall in proportion to the extent that he has overreached. Obama has overreached himself as far as any political figure in the American record, and his fall will be proportionate. He cannot avoid this or mitigate it. His action against the Church is an example of that small class of acts that cannot be uncommitted.
etc., etc., and so forth.................................................
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
We knew this was true, but even I am surprised that the Naked Emperor is so incredibly naked.
Apparently Madame Justice Gulch finds the Constitution kind of an obstacle too.
Oh great! She invokes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Entitlements! Egypt is doomed!
Is it just me, or did these people not take some oath or something, about upholding and DEFENDING the Constitution of the U.S.of A.? (Unless, of course, Justice Gulch only used the revised and abbreviated (pukey, weenie, New Castrati) 1990 version, which dropped the "defend" and added some drivel about the poor and the rich -- I smell the ICEL at work...)
I broke into the blogosphere in 2003, via a letter to andrew sullivan (made me a minor celebrity in my family for a week) Call it my bio: My grandfather came to the US from Greece around 1905, alone, age 10, sailing into New York Harbor and entering at Ellis Island, like the young Vito Corleone in The Godfather. Before settling down he spent a couple of his teen-age years "hobo-ing" around the country. He insisted to me that a hobo is not a bum. He looks for honest work to earn his food and a place to sleep - he is NOT looking for a hand-out... When you (Sullivan) used the word "hobo" to describe Saddam Hussein in his spider hole, I thought "Saddam should be so lucky as to be a hobo--he could wish for so much dignity." My grandfather finished third grade, and spent his life as a railroad mechanic. He raised four sons, three of them old enough for WWII. The four earned two M.A.'s and two Ph.D.'s, and produced 15 accomplished grandchildren. Among the many great-grandchildren are two Naval officers and a Marine Corps Captain...the legacy of a hobo. Saddam, master of the palaces and father of the lion-cubs, is just a bum.