Monday, January 21, 2008


Definitely one of the week's funniest unwitting howlers. Chris Matthews made his public mea culpa for saying what so many of us are thinking (I guess the old saw about politicians also applies to journalists: the definition of a "gaffe" is when a politician accidentally tells the truth). Shooting from the lip as usual, Matthews opined that the only way Hillary Clinton got into the senate was on the sympathy generated because her husband "messed around".

He was wrong, as it happens -- far more than her husband's misconduct, Mrs. Clinton owes her seat to Rudy Giuliani's prostate. (He got cancer and missed his opportunity to wipe the floor with Hillary in the New York senate race.)

However, Matthews was forced to do the apology dance, and did it with the "I was right but I didn't mean to be hurtful" contortion to which we have become accustomed. Toward the end, bursting in with a patriotism-distracter, Matthews spoke of
...our uniquely American hope that we can actually make things better, that we can make the greatest of countries, not only survive, but as [author] William Faulkner once said, 'prevail'.
William Faulkner? WILLIAM FAULKNER said we should prevail???? Not General Petraeus? Not Ike Eisenhower? Not even John McCain?

Please, Chris, please -- don't reach so far, don't bend so low, for God's sake don't hurt yourself. It's such a long, LONG way to go to be SAFE. It's such a deep, DEEP dive to take to demonstrate what an utter coward you are.

Chris Matthews -- faithful foot-soldier in the Oxford Mississippi militia, picking off our enemies one minie-ball and paper cartridge at a time.


The New York Times has once again distinguished itself doing violence to the truth, and assault and battery on the American military, through a shoddily-constructed, grossly distortionate hit piece called Across America: Deadly Echoes of Foreign Battles, a predicably stuck-in-Vietnam story of screwed-up veterans wreaking mayhem on their fellow-citizens back home.

It would have been ho-hum had it not been so heinously context-free, recounting as it did the 121 known killers out of the more than half-a-million troops who have rotated in and out of Iraq (more if we factor in Afghanistan] -- while failing to note that this represents a rate of 24.2 homicidal offenders per 100,000, which is lower than the U.S. national average in a similar age bracket (18-24) -- that being 27 per 100,000 for 2006. Oh, yes, and lower still than the rate during those peaceable early Clinton years, which peaked at 43 per 100,000.

Noting the importance of this kind of investigative probe into murder trends by population sub-group, Iowahawk immediately got on the case, and tracked the criminal tendencies of professional journalists.

Whoa, Nelly!

Alarums and Excursions!

What he found!

Bottom line: If someone approaches you on the street holding a microphone, put your hands up in a hurry, and insist that they show you whether it's LOADED.

1 comment:

yellojkt said...

Yeah, of all the stupid things Chris Matthews has said, the one they go after is the one closest to the truth. Shows you what terrifies the Clintonistas.