The French Horn, the Scotch Egg, and the Obamessiah (who will pay tribute to the Sauer Krauts) are all primed to pose and ponder at the next June 6 commemoration of the D-Day landings -- the beginning of the end for the Nazis and the the beginning of rebirth for occupied Europe (ahem, you're welcome) -- but none of them thought to invite the reigning Queen of England, the only one among them who remembers being bombed and wearing trousers for her country.
The three Euro-Mouseketeers put the "NO GURLZ" sign on their clubhouse, and had planned to spend Da Day together, cultivating their warm personal working relationship ("...loves red wine, band music, and long walks on the beach.....").
Now they find out that the Old Girl is royally cheesed that no arrangements and no apparent consideration at all had been aimed in her direction regarding her rightful place in the reviewing stand. Step aside, Granny, the Young Lions are in charge now ("Oh I just can't wait to be king!") -- and they want to party like its 1968 at the Sorbonne. Might as well do it while they can -- in not too many D-Days from now they are likely to be called to attention by the local muezzin.
What, no room for HRM? Can't squeeze her in, between the statesmen? Let's see....

Pretty tight there...

OOPS! Wouldn't want to intrude there!
Looks pretty Sar-Cozy... Awkward!
Who let Laughing-Boy in?

Oh, naff off, the pack of you.
I'll still be Queen when you're all off having your self-justifying autobiographies ghost-written. (Again, in some cases.)

Not amused. Ipod or no ipod.
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